This week’s educator resources, "Supporting Mental Health & Self-Care," promote student mental health, resilience, and self-care. With lesson plans, activities, and practical strategies, these tools help students build mental health literacy and explore effective coping strategies.

Educator Resources:

  1. Mental Health Literacy: Student Mental Health in Action, provided by School Mental Health Ontario, equips educators with tools to support student mental health, offering practical strategies to promote well-being and resilience in schools. It includes lesson plans, activities, and resources to help students develop mental health literacy.

  2. Curated by, Minds On: Pyramid of Self-Care includes activities to help students discuss the concept of self-care and explore coping strategies they can implement in their lives.

  3. Provided by Signal Hill Life Education Society, Practicing Self-Care (Grades 6-8) includes activities, habits, and thoughts that support mental health.

For those unfamiliar with Myles Ahead, we are a national charity dedicated to advancing child and youth mental health. Thank you for joining us on this journey.

To learn more, click here.

T: 416.929.6675 | W: | Registered Charity #72688 1717 RR0001

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