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American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine (ACRM) 100th Annual Conference Progress in Rehabilitation Research
28 octobre - 2 novembre 2023 Atlanta, Géorgie
En savoir plus
45th Annual Advances in Trauma Meeting
6 - 8 décembre 2023 Kansas City, Missouri
Au Québec
Improving outcome after paediatric concussion: Challenges and possibilities Un balado est également disponible sur le sujet des commotions cérébrales pédiatriques (en anglais) Beauchamp, M., et al., octobre 2023
Pediatric vs adult or mixed trauma centers in children admitted to hospitals following trauma: A systematic review and meta-analysis Moore, L., et al., septembre 2023
Design and psychometric properties of the acute care quality in trauma emergency units scale Jamshidi, Z., et al., septembre 2023
Using telehealth to improve access to trauma care among injured rural patients in the US Hashmi, Z. G., et al., septembre 2023
Impact of nonphysician, technology-guided alert level selection on rates of appropriate trauma triage in the United States: A before and after study Harrigan, M. E., et al., septembre 2023
Comparison of Kampala Trauma Score and Trauma Injury Severity Score in predicting mortality in trauma patients Prakash, D., et al., août 2023
Consultation processes with helicopter emergency medical service physicians in Finnish prehospital emergency care: The paramedics’ perspective Nordquist, H., et al., août 2023
Prehospital transport time and outcomes for pediatric trauma: A national study Burdick, K. J., et al., août 2023
Quality assessment in initial paediatric trauma care: Systematic review from prehospital care to the paediatric intensive care unit Buck Sainz-Rozas, P., et al., août 2023
Traumatisme crânien
Mild traumatic brain injury and the auditory system: An overview of the mechanisms, clinical presentations and current diagnostic modalities Harris, M., et al., septembre 2023
Applicability of machine learning technique in the screening of patients with mild traumatic brain injury Terabe, ML., et al., août 2023
Consensus statement on concussion in sport: The 6th International Conference on Concussion in Sport–Amsterdam, October 2022 Concussion in Sport Group, juin 2023
Going back to school after traumatic brain injury – Experts review the issues McCart, M., et al., juin 2023
Archives du Bulletin de veille scientifique Traumatologie