Welcome to the Spring 2024 Newsletter!

Happy Spring! Welcome to the BGSC Spring newsletter with the latest updates on our educational programs, research, projects, publications and more.

Read on for the latest news and announcements, faculty and student spotlights, featured publications and upcoming events.

If you wish to be featured in our next newsletter or have any questions, please reach out to us at

2024 Graduating Class

We are very excited to feature several students graduating from our Graduate Certificate in Global Surgical Care and Master of Global Surgical Care in May 2024!

We are looking forward to welcoming this class to the BGSC alumni and to see the amazing work they will do in global surgical care in the future.

Congratulations on completing the GCGSC and MGSC program!


Suzanne Roberge



Jugraj Singh Chhatwal

Timothy Greive-Price

Andrew Lawe

Kristen Stevens


Instructor Appreciation

BGSC would like to recognize the significant contributions of Dr. Nadine Caron and Dr. Melanie Morris. 

They are co-instructors for SURG 518: Surgical Care in Canada’s Rural and Remote Indigenous Communities along with Dr. Jessica Chan and Dr. Ryan Falk.

Thank you, Dr. Caron and Dr. Morris, for your valuable contributions to the course and your commitment and dedication to our learners!

Dr. Chan and Dr. Morris are taking a break from teaching next year to focus on other initiatives and priorities and Dr. Chan will be welcoming a new member to her family! We will miss you both!



Upcoming Changes to UBC Student Information System (Workday Student)

UBC is launching a new student information system, Workday Student.

Launch 1 was successfully completed in October 2023 and Launch 2, in February 2024, activated the remaining capabilities for academic administration at UBC.

UBC Students will gain access to Workday Student on May 21, 2024 The intention behind granting student access in May, is to allow staff and faculty a chance to become familiar with Workday Student, address any questions before work to support students begins, and provide time for the UBC community to get acclimated to working across both the Classic SIS and Workday Student during the Coexistence Period. Additionally, this decision will not impact admission timelines, including making and accepting offers or sending communications to students.Training will be provided to all students, staff and faculty over Spring and Summer 2024.

Fall 2024: Launch 3+ focuses on continuous improvement of the system, and is the point in time where the legacy SIS will go offline.

All students: Approximately a week before their access, new and continuing UBC Students will receive an email from Enrolment Services to formally introduce them to the implementation of Workday Student, including information on why the system is changing, benefits of the new system, advising students that they will receive another communication on May 21, and to prepare them for their access to the system.

The May 21 email will notify students that they can access Workday Student and requests that they complete a few tasks ahead of registration for the 2024 Winter Session. These tasks involve entering, validating or updating information such as:

  1. legal and preferred name 
  2. date of birth 
  3. citizenship status 
  4. third-party authorization 
  5. emergency contact information 
  6. direct deposit details  

Students will be able to see their academic record in Workday and look at courses for the registration window starting in June for courses starting in the 2024 Winter session. Students will receive further communications about registering in courses in June as the process will be new. Watch for these important emails in your inbox!

For more information click on the link below.


Global Surgery Symposium 2024

The Global Surgery Symposium returns for 2024, in-person in Vancouver, BC and virtually on Friday, May 3rd from 9:00 am - 4:35 PM PST.

The theme of the event will be Teaching Surgical Skills for Medical Desserts.

Stay updated on event details on the GSL website!




Bethune Roundtable 2024

The Canadian Network for International Surgery (CNIS), is very proud to announce the Bethune Round Table 2024!

The Bethune Round Table (BRT) is an annual interdisciplinary meeting aimed at addressing the challenges of providing accessible, high-quality surgical care to marginalized patients in low-resource settings. The 24th Bethune Roundtable will be held in person for the first time outside of Canada in Addis Ababa, and virtually May 16-18, 2024 - with the theme Violence and Injury in the Context of Sustainable Development.

Abstract submission is now closed but registration is open until May 16!


SURG 560 Student Reports

In SURG 560, students complete a field practicum placement grounding their knowledge and skills attained in the other courses of the MGSC. A high-level written report is produced as the final graduating requirement.

MGSC student Suzanne Roberge recently completed her report which is now available on our website. Congratulations, Suzanne!



  • Binda, Catherine J. BSc (Hons.); Adams, Jayd BSc (Hons.); Livergant, Rachel MBT; Lam, Sheila BSc; Panchendrabose, Kapilan MSc§; Joharifard, Shahrzad MD, MPH; Haji, Faizal MD, PhD; Joos, Emilie MD, MSc. Defining a Framework and Evaluation Metrics for Sustainable Global Surgical Partnerships: A Modified Delphi Study. Annals of Surgery 279(3):p 549-553, March 2024. (LINK)
  • Ng-Kamstra, Joshua , Philipo, Godfrey Sama, Obayagbona, Kate Isoken Paediatric surgery outcomes in Africa: a call for urgent investment The Lancet - 0140-6736 (LINK)


  • Second Global Surgery Lab Symposium - Vancouver, BC and Virtual (LINK) May 3rd, 2024. Theme: Surgical Education for Medical Deserts.

  • CGSTA National Conference: Opportunities and Challenges in Global Surgery Education, Virtual (LINK) May 4, 2024

  • Bethune Roundtable 2024 - Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and Virtual (LINK) - May 16 - 18, 2024. Theme: Violence and Injury in the Context of Sustainable Development.





Interested in learning more about our educational programs, and the Global Surgery Lab and how to become involved?

Contact us

Branch for Global Surgical Care:

Global Surgery Lab: