Delegations and Presentations
Long-term Grant Recipient Presentations - Kimberley Trails Society and Healthy Kimberley Food Recovery Depot
Ryan MacKenzie from the Kimberley Trails Society and Shannon Grey Duncan from the Healthy Kimberley Food Recovery Depot provided updates to Council, discussing last year's successes and plans for 2025. Both organizations are Long-term Grant recipients and are required to provide annual update reports as per Community Grants Policy No. FIN004. Watch the presentations in their entirety at the YouTube link above or check out the meeting agenda for narrative reports.
Kimberley Health Centre Society
As a reporting society to the City, the Health Centre Society presents annually to Council on the health of the organization. Board President Ingrid Leipa and Treasurer Travis Martin provided an update on the highlights of 2024 and upcoming plans for 2025. The purpose of the presentation was also to request that the Council consider a $100,000 loan to the Society for the purchase of new Rooftop HVAC Units, as the current units have reached the end of their serviceable life. Following the presentation, Council directed staff to prepare a report and loan agreement documents for consideration at a future Council meeting. More information will follow.