A Workshop on Co-Designing Health Care: Amazing Learning Opportunity for 20 Patient Partners

As you may have seen in this week’s Engagement Opportunities newsletter, the BC Patient Safety & Quality Council just launched an awesome new workshop – an opportunity to learn about co-design methods from international health care leader Lynne Maher, Director of Innovation at Ko Awatea in New Zealand – and we’re excited to announce that we’ll be sponsoring 20 patient partners from across the province to attend!

The Understanding Experience & Co-Designing Solutions workshop will introduce participants to the co-design approach, which is based on partnership. It values the experiences of those delivering as well as those receiving care, and reflects a fundamental change in the traditional relationship between patients and health professionals.

In this one-of-a-kind engagement opportunity, you will learn the foundations of the co-design process and be provided with new tools and methods to engage people, capture and understand experiences, co-design solutions, and demonstrate impact.

Interested? Read more about the workshop and the selection process on our new blog post and RSVP by November 3!

Updated PVN Feedback Surveys Are Coming

We've recently transitioned to a new survey platform. Starting today, we’ll be sending updated feedback surveys to patient partners and health care partners during engagement opportunities as well as at the end. Our goal is to learn how we can best support you through the engagement. We’re looking forward to hearing from you!

PVN in the Media: Island Health Magazine

Island Health posted an informative article about open engagement opportunities on Vancouver Island in the fall edition of Island Health Magazine.

Read the article and see the available opportunities!

Free Online Course about Health Research

A Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) about health research will begin in November and is currently open for registration! It’s a free, four-week online course developed by the United Kingdom's National Institute for Health Research and seeks to build a dynamic online learning community for people curious about research, from health care professionals to patients and the public.

Learn more about the course and register.    

Questions or Suggestions?

Your feedback is very important to us. What kinds of volunteer opportunities are you interested in? What else would you like to see in our newsletters?

Send us an email, phone 604.668.8240 or 1.877.282.1919, or connect with us on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.

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