IRSST - Bulletin de veille
IRSST - Bulletin de veille

19 septembre 2024

Veille Santé psychologique au travail


Facteurs de protection

Bates, R. A. et Dynia, J. M. (2024). Changes in stress following wage increases for early childhood educators. Early Childhood Education Journal.

He, W., Denman, L., Luder, M. et Stedman, T. (2024). Response to workplace aggression in forensic and secure mental health services: Investigating staff confidence, associated factors, and training needs. Australasian Psychiatry.

Kearney, K., Ashtari, E., Emhoff, S., Fielden, C., Hernandez, S. et Ruiz, A. (2024). Training nurses in trauma-informed care to address workplace violence in inpatient settings. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing.

Tellson, A., Huddleston, P., Powell, K., Tolentino, R., Cassity, W., Weller, S. et Vaughn, B. (2024). Beyond the basics: Partnerships and innovations for empowerment to address workplace violence, a call to action. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 48(4).

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Facteurs de risque

Ayaz, B., Dozois, G., Baumann, A. L., Fuseini, A. et Nelson, S. (2024). Perpetrators of gender-based workplace violence amongst nurses and physicians: A scoping review of the literature. PLOS Global Public Health, 4(9), article e0003646.

Framke, E., Sørensen, J. K., Madsen, I. E. H. et Rugulies, R. (2024). Emotional demands at work and risk of disability pension: A nationwide cohort study in Denmark. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 81(5), 262-265.

Kamau-Mitchell, C., Bin Waleed, K. et Gallagher, M. M. (2024). Global meta-analysis of physicians' experiences of workplace sexual harassment by patients. Internal Medicine Journal.

Kim, J. Y., Norasi, H., Navarro, S. M., Park, M. S. et Hallbeck, S. (2024). Shiftwork and burnout among trauma surgeons: A preliminary analysis of trauma surgeons’ fatigue and stress related to overnight shifts. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting.

Parga, M. R., Roll, S. C., Lucas, G. M., Becerik-Gerber, B. et Naranayan, S. (2024). Differences in self-rated worker outcomes across stress states: An interim analysis of hybrid worker data. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting.

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L'information à votre portée

Le centre de documentation de l’IRSST effectue une veille systématique sur la santé psychologique au travail. Cette surveillance permet de recenser des articles scientifiques, des rapports de recherche ainsi que des documents de prévention traitant de troubles mentaux courants en lien avec le travail.

Membres de la cellule de veille :

  • Maryse Gagnon, conseillère en veille et en information scientifique
  • Samuel Hébert, technicien en documentation
  • Alessia Negrini, chercheuse
  • Marie-Hélène Poirier, conseillère en mobilisation des connaissances
  • Samantha Vila, professionnelle scientifique


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Le Bulletin de veille est une production du Centre de documentation de l'IRSST

Maryse Gagnon, conseillère en veille et en information scientifique

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