Short-Term Rentals
The City is seeking feedback from residents and property owners on proposed bylaw changes affecting the use of homes as short-term rentals. Renters and landlords also have the opportunity to share their experience finding and maintaining homes for rent.
Housing affordability was among the top three concerns for community members who participated in the first phase of engagement for the City's REIMAGINE NANAIMO strategic policy review completed in January 2021. Consistent with recognizing this concern, the surveys are part of ongoing implementation of the City’s 2018 Affordable Housing Strategy recommendations and the recently completed 2021 Health and Housing Action Plan. Both documents support ensuring accessible and affordable market rentals for Nanaimo residents.
The proposed bylaw changes include; allowing short-term rentals in all zones; allowing short-term rental of an entire home provided the short-term rental operator lives in the home the majority of the year; requiring a business license for short-term rental accommodation and providing an explanatory guide and operator declaration form for short-term rental operator requirements.
Surveys are available online until May 10, 2021. Hard copies will be provided to known market rental apartment buildings and will also be provided upon request.