Highlights of the Thompson-Nicola Regional District Board of Directors Meeting of May 18, 2023
The TNRD held its Board of Directors Meeting in the Twin Rivers Boardroom of the TNRD Civic Building in Kamloops, B.C. The meeting was held in-person and via Zoom, and a recording of the meeting was uploaded to the TNRD’s YouTube channel. You can view the recording here.
Zoning Amendment Bylaw 2716 (Blue River)
Following a public hearing, the Board approved third reading of Zoning Amendment Bylaw 2716. The bylaw amendment proposes to rezone a property at 878 Harwood Drive in Blue River, B.C. from R-2: Residential Multi-Use Zone to R-3: Residential Multi-Family Zone, with a site-specific amendment to allow traveller accommodation use (four rentable units plus suite) and reduce side yard setback requirements. Read the report here.
Zoning Amendment Bylaw 2804 (Blackpool)
Following a public hearing, the Board approved third reading of Zoning Amendment Bylaw 2804 with a site specific zoning amendment for a limitation of livestock under Section 3.24 of Zoning Bylaw 2400. The bylaw amendment proposes to rezone a property at 284 Jenkins Road in Blackpool, B.C. from R-1: Residential Single and Duplex Zone to SH-1: Small-Holding Zone, to accommodate a small hobby farm on the property. Read the report here.
BC Rural Healthcare Network Membership
The Board voted for the TNRD to join the BC Rural Healthcare Network (BCRHN) for an annual fee of $50 per year. The BCRHN is a healthcare advocacy organization with a purpose of promoting and supporting health service systems in rural communities.
Green Lake and Area OCP Amendment Bylaw
The Board approved second reading of the Green Lake and Area Official Community Plan (OCP) Amendment Bylaw, and voted to take the proposed OCP Amendment Bylaw to a public hearing in conjunction with a regular Board of Directors meeting. These proposed changes would make processes simpler in many situations for landowners and TNRD staff, and less costly for applicants. Read the report here. To read a TNRD news release that was issued prior to a public meeting held on May 6, 2023, click here.
CAO Report
Chief Administrative Officer Scott Hildebrand introduced the 2022 Annual Report, containing information about the regional district, the role of the TNRD and Board of Directors, services provided, and key progress made on priorities in 2022. Read the TNRD’s news release here.
2022 Audited Financial Statements
The Board approved the 2022 Consolidated Financial Statements of the Thompson-Nicola Regional District, following a presentation from external auditor Mario Piroddi of BDO Canada LLP. Read the report here.
UBCM Community Excellence Award Applications
The Board approved submitting two separate applications to the 2023 Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM) Community Excellence Awards for the categories of Excellence in Governance for 2022 transparency and accountability work done by the TNRD, and of Excellence in Service Delivery for the 2023 implementation of the Service Extender program at the Ashcroft Library. Read the report here.
The next TNRD Board Meeting is on June 15, 2023, at 1:30 pm.
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