These amendments improved the primary objective of the Act, which is transparency. I have always been clear that lobbying is a legitimate and beneficial avenue for information to be exchanged with government but it is important that the public know who is trying to influence the Ontario government and about what.
In my time as Registrar, I have seen the Ontario Lobbyists Registry double in size to more than 3,450 active lobbyists. I have found that the majority of lobbyists and senior officers of lobbying entities take their obligations under the Act seriously, but the Office’s compliance review and investigative work is vital to enforcing the requirements and ensuring accountability and transparency.
After close to nine years of administering the registry and interpreting the Act, I also believe it is time for new amendments that will further increase transparency and accountability. I have spoken to this in annual report messages and it is my hope there will soon be movement towards improving the Act.
As subscribers to this newsletter, I want to thank you for your efforts to stay informed on the requirements of the Act and the workings of the registry. I encourage you to contact our Office for information and advice when you have questions. This is the best way to ensure that you are meeting your obligations.
Please accept my best wishes,
J. David Wake, K.C.
Integrity Commissioner & Lobbyist Registrar