April 2024

NEW! CRP Request Form

Is your UBCO IT supported computer 4 years or older? Use the new Computer Replacement Program (CRP) request form in the UBC Self-Service Portal to see if you're eligible and check the current device options. NOTE: Before you submit a request please check if you already have an open CRP request ticket (find your tickets) submitted.

Loaner Devices for Purchase

Looking to buy some used computers for your department's part time or student employees? UBCO IT has some high powered Macs available and other retired devices for department or personal use (NOTE: personal use devices will have all UBC licensed software removed). New batteries may be required but otherwise these are great computers. Contact us for info...  

FY25 CRP Funds & Policies

With the new fiscall we have access to our FY25 CRP budget and will start contacting people who are eligible for new devices. Please note that annual funding is limited, and requests will be prioritized based on age of equipment and functional need. Full details on CRP are HERE.

By accepting a CRP device, users agree to abide by the CRP Acceptable Use Agreement.

Windows 11 Update

Windows 10 will not be supported after October 2025. To ensure your device is compliant and ready, Windows 11 is now available as an optional update in the Software Center on all Staff, Faculty and Research workstations that are compatible with Windows 11. To guide you through the Windows 11 upgrade follow these step-by-step instructions available on our UBCO IT News.

Office 2021 needed for M365

UBC is migrating to Microsoft Exchange Online and integrating with other M365 tools and applications over the course of the next 12-18 months.

To ensure you're ready, make sure you're using Office 2021. We've outlined how to check your version, and how to install the latest version if need HERE.
LEARN MORE about the move to M365 here...

Workday Student Date Change

After consultation with key stakeholders, the date for student access to Workday Student will be May 21, 2024. This additional time will not impact 2024 winter registration and will ensure student records are as accurate as possible. 

Don't forget to Offboard

Please submit an Okanagan - Employee IT Offboarding form in the UBC Self-Service Portal IN ADDITION to the Termination process in Workday. This will: 

  • Ensure that access, privacy and security requirements are met
  • Ensure proper return, clearing and handling of UBC assets and equipment

Workday Chat Bot Tool

Workday Assistant is a tool for faculty, staff and student employees. It appears in the bottom right corner from any screen in Workday where you can enter short, informal queries to help you find information and access tasks and reports quickly. Workday Assistant can even help you submit a time off request, submit an expense or see the details of your payslip. LEARN MORE...

Phishing in Age of GenAI

Cybercriminals are leveraging generative AI to create sophisticated emails that closely mimic the writing style, tone, and content of genuine messages. Our Privacy Matters team has pulled together a list of indicators that might suggest an email claiming to be from a real person or organization was generated by AI. LEARN MORE

Workday Sponsor Interview

Dr. Patricia Lasserre, Associate Professor in Computer Science and Lead Academic Sponsor for IRP Student, shares her thoughts on how she believes Workday Student will improve the academic administrative experience of UBC’s students and staff. READ MORE...

Dell deals for Personal Use 

UBC employees are eligible for limited-time offers from Dell for personal use devices. You can also claim an extra exclusive discount with the Member Purchase Program coupon at www.dell.ca/mpp/ubc and then shop online using the link in the coupon email. Coupons cannot combine with limited-quantity offers. Get your discount HERE.

Upcoming Maintenance

Please visit the Status Page for the most up-to-date information on planned upgrades and outages at UBC IT Status Page  

Upcoming Events

  • 30-minute Online Phishing Workshops
    | Every 2nd Wednesday of the Month | 11:00-11:30 PST
    New content each month! Strengthen Your Cyber Defenses at UBC
    • Join monthly 30-minute Phishing Workshop series hosted by the Information Security Management team. Explore recent phishing attempts, learn to identify red flags, and contribute to fortifying our university's cybersecurity resilience. Open to all faculty, staff, and students.
    • Can’t make each session? Recordings will be available in the On Demand section and will be accessible for review by anyone with a campus-wide login.

  • Qualtrics Studio Survey Tool Workshop
    |April 29, 2024 | 15:00-16:30 PST
    • Join The Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology (CTLT) for a Qualtrics studio virtual workshop and drop-in session on April 29. The session is geared towards UBC faculty and staff using Qualtrics as a teaching and research tool.

  • M365 Teams & OneDrive Training Sessions
    | Various dates & times |

    • UBC IT Collaboration Technology and Change & Training Teams are collaborating to offer a number of training workshops for Microsoft 365 apps, open to all UBC faculty and staff. Come join us to learn more about using M365 Teams and OneDrive for collaboration and productivity.
      These one-hour online workshops provide an overview of Teams functionality, file sharing and collaborative document best practices with demos and open Q&A to our M365 experts

    • Register for an upcoming Teams & OneDrive Training Workshops HERE.

  • EDUCASE's ChatGPT in Higher Education: Exploring Use Cases and Designing Prompts
    Part 1: April 17 | 1:00–2:30 p.m. ET
    Part 2: April 22 | 1:00–2:30 p.m. ET
    Part 3: April 25 | 1:00–2:30 p.m. ET
    Part 4: April 29 | 1:00–2:30 p.m. ET

    • Are you a higher education professional interested in exploring the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance your professional work and your work with learners? In this Learning Lab, Rob Gibson and Josh Weiss will guide you in exploring the effective and responsible use of this emerging technology.

      By the end of this Learning Lab, participants will have gained practical experience and strategies for engineering prompts that support their goals using AI technologies in higher education settings. This includes considering where and how to incorporate AI prompting into both their own workflow and their students' workflow. Regardless of your prior experience with AI, this Learning Lab will equip you with the necessary tools and knowledge to write effective prompts that balance integrity, innovation, and inclusion.

      Please note that an active account (free) with ChatGPT by OpenAI is required to fully participate in this program.



UBCO IT Engagement Services offers a single point of contact for departments and faculties at the Okanagan campus to access the information technology support and services they need to enable exceptional learning and research. 

Learn more about our team HERE or send us an email or submit a ticket via the UBC Self-Service Portal