Monday April 15th 2024


If you are receiving this email, it’s because you are a proud member of your union, which is affiliated with the Fédération du personnel de soutien de l’enseignement supérieur (FPSES-CSQ).

As part of Union Succession Week, your union and your federation are inviting you to learn more about activism, union commitment, and everything directly or indirectly related to it!

Does the subject interest you? Attend your general assemblies (GA), check your email regularly or visit the following websites and Facebook pages:

Your union is there to help you, but sometimes it needs you too! Contact your local union to find out how you can get involved!


Your union team!

What brings you to get involved?

What does it mean to be part of the union succession ?

Here is a testimonial video from a member involved in the Édouard-Montpetit College Support Staff Union.

Learn about what led this passionate activist to make a difference in her community.


See the testimonial

The ABCs of Unionism

What is a union? What is freedom of association or the Rand Formula? What does my union do between rounds of negotiation?

You will find answers to these questions and more by clicking here!



Do you know about the succession camp?

The objective of the camp is to foster a sense of belonging and union and civic engagement.

Camp participants will have the opportunity to broaden their roles as activists and learn more about the Centrale (its mission, its operation, its commitments, etc.). There will be several collaborative and dynamic workshops, designed just for them, spread over three days.

Visit the website for more information or speak to your union!


See the video here!