This newsletter is sent directly to faculty, sessionals and department contacts. Department contacts no longer need to forward this newsletter. If you have any questions or concerns, please email us.
This communications is sent directly to faculty, sessionals and department contacts, deans/chairs and department directors. Department contacts no longer need to forward this newsletter. If you have any questions or concerns, please email us.
Academic Integrity Week
October 17-21, 2022
The schedule of events is now live!
Join us for a week of events and initiatives involving students, instructors and staff, showcasing how UVic ensures academic integrity to protect your intellectual property. Events will occur in-person and online and will include awareness building and prevention strategies.
Do you know an undergraduate student who demonstrates qualities of outstanding leadership and innovation, and who embraces their educational experience at UVic and beyond? If so, please consider nominating this student for the 3M National Student Fellowship.
We have instituted an internal process to assist candidates with their submission. We invite potential students and their faculty nominators to attend our upcoming two workshops.