IRSST - Bulletin de veille
IRSST - Bulletin de veille

14 janvier 2025

Veille Réadaptation, retour et maintien au travail



Chaves, D. I. A., de Jesus, M. A. C., de Menezes, G. D., Souza, L. M. V., Gonçalves, G. H. et Paolillo, F. R. (2025). Rehabilitation of back pain with laser associated with negative or positive pressure massage in workers: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, 41, 101-108. 

Davenport, T. E., Lee, A. C., Raja, B., Stark, M. L., Reed, C. et Magnusson, D. M. (2024). Educational competencies for telehealth physical therapy: Results of a modified Delphi process. Work, 79, 1531-1549. Open Access

Ferreira, G. E., Di Donato, M., Maher, C. G., Shaheed, C. A., Mathieson, S. et Collie, A. (2025). Patterns of antidepressant use in people with low back pain: A retrospective study using workers' compensation data. European Journal of Pain, 29(1), article e4773. 

Fulton-Kehoe, D., Haight, J., Elmore, A., Sears, J. M., Wickizer, T. et Franklin, G. M. (2024). Association between pre-injury opioid use and opioid use patterns after a work injury. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. Open Access

Gustavson, A. M., Rauzi, M. R., Rasmussen, A., Raja, B., Kim, J. et Davenport, T. E. (2024). Leveraging and learning from the long COVID experience: Translating telerehabilitation into practice. Work, 79, 1567-1571. Open Access

Hudon, A., Miciak, M., Slade, T., Lovo, S., Whittaker, J. L., Côté, D., . . . Gross, D. P. (2024). What are the perceptions and lived experiences of Canadian injured workers about the provision of physiotherapy services using telerehabilitation? Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation. Open Access

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Réadaptation professionnelle

Honkonen, N., Lamminpää, A. et Liira, J. (2024). Work ability meetings – Challenges and Resolutions, a survey to Finnish occupational physicians. Work, 79, 1425-1432. Open Access

Newington, L., Ceh, D., Sandford, F., Parsons, V. et Madan, I. (2024). Effectiveness and characteristics of work participation interventions for adults with musculoskeletal upper limb conditions: A systematic review. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation. Open Access

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Retour au travail

Labourot, J., Hong, Q. N., Briand, C., Cameron, C., Durand, M.-J., Giguère, N., . . . Vachon, B. (2024). Acceptability and exploratory effects of an occupational therapy intervention to improve recovery and return to work of workers with mental health disorders in primary care: A mixed methods study protocol. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 15. Open Access

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Syndrome post-COVID-19

Grant, A., Adams, N. N., MacIver, E., Skåtun, D., Scott, N., Kennedy, C., . . . Torrance, N. (2024). Long COVID in healthcare workers: Longitudinal mixed-methods study. Occupational Medicine, article kqae113. Open Access

Gustavson, A. M., Rauzi, M. R., Rasmussen, A., Raja, B., Kim, J. et Davenport, T. E. (2024). Leveraging and learning from the long COVID experience: Translating telerehabilitation into practice. Work, 79, 1567-1571. Open Access

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Les articles sont sélectionnés pour leur pertinence avec les objectifs de cette veille, qu’ils soient en libre accès (Open Access) ou non. Voyez avec votre bibliothèque ou centre de documentation pour obtenir par prêt entre bibliothèques les articles bloqués.

Membres de la cellule de veille :

  • Arnaud Bihl, conseiller en mobilisation des connaissances
  • Maryse Gagnon, conseillère en veille et en information scientifique
  • Samuel Hébert, technicien en documentation
  • Christian Larivière, chercheur


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Le Bulletin de veille est une production du Centre de documentation de l'IRSST

Maryse Gagnon, conseillère en veille et en information scientifique

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