E-Bulletin | June 2022

National Collaborating Centre
for Healthy Public Policy (NCCHPP)

In the Spotlight

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Series of Recorded Webinars on Public Health Infrastructure

Did you miss our recent webinars on public health infrastructure? No problem, you can watch them on our website!

NCCHPP's free online courses

Are you looking to develop your skills related to healthy public policy? The NCCHPP offers three free online courses on our website!

Other news

Join the NCCHPP for a symposium on Health in All Policies during the 2022 CPHA conference

Are you planning to attend the 2022 CPHA conference from June 14 to 16? Don’t miss the symposium organized by the NCCHPP: Supporting the Deployment of Health in All Policies in Canada: Prospect, Training Review, and Creation of a Pan-Canadian Network. This session will take place on June 16, from 12:15 to 1:15.


To learn more, click here to consult the conference program.

Dr. Margo Greenwodd appointed interim Scientifc Director of CIHR Institute of Indigenous People's Health

Our colleague Dr. Margo Greenwood, Academic Leader for the NCC for Indigenous Health (NCCIH), has just been appointed interim Scientific Director of the CIHR Institute of Indigenous Peoples’ Health. We wish her all the best in this new mandate!


To learn more about this nomination, visit the CIHR website here.

To lean more about the NCCIH, click here.


Public Health Competencies in the Covid-19 Era: A Survey of the Canadian Workforce

Public health researchers from McMaster's Department of Health Reasearch Methods, Evidence and Impact are conducing a survey to inform the development of an updated version of the current public health competency set.

To learn more and participate in this survey, click here.



Centre de collaboration nationale sur les politiques publiques et la santé
Institut National de Santé Publique Québec