Welcome to the 'Storytelling for Understanding' edition of Myles Ahead's curated Educator Resources. We hope the winter break brought you exactly what you needed, and we wish you a happy and healthy 2022!

This week's recommended resources are focused on activities to better understand ourselves and others through storytelling

Educator Resources:

  1. Developed under the leadership of Edmonton Regional Learning Consortium, Storytelling: Understanding Who We Are includes a video and learning guide to delve into how stories "help develop confidence and self-esteem," including greater self-awareness and greater understanding of what it means to be human. 
  2. A collaboration with "educators and experts in education, and Inuit culture and history from across Canada" resulted in Through Mala's Eyes: Life In An Inuit Community, which includes comprehensive lesson plans for learning about Inuit Peoples and connection through stories. 

About Us:

For those who are unfamiliar with Myles Ahead, we are a national charity that is dedicated to advancing child and youth mental health. Thank you for joining us along this journey. To learn more, click here.

T: 416.929.6675 | W: mylesahead.ca | Registered Charity #72688 1717 R0001

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