Welcome to the 'Mental Health 101' Edition of Myles Ahead's curated educator resources. We've covered a lot of ground with our emails over the past weeks and months, so we've decided to go back to basics.

Check out the links below to find out more about mental health basics. 


  1. First up this week is an animated video you can share with your students about experiencing mental health challenges as a child.
  2. Next, the MH LIT Online Course from School Mental Health Ontario (avaiable to Educators employed by a publicly funded board by the Government of Ontario) provides a comprehensive look at mental health.
  3. If you're looking for an overview, CAMH's free Mental Health 101 course provides lots of information.
  4. Looking for more? CAMH has many other free online courses.

T: 416.929.6675 | W: mylesahead.ca | Registered Charity #72688 1717 R0001

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