AVIATEUR EXPRESS # 950 - March 5  , 2025

The photo in this edition of "Your photo in the newsletter banner" is by Hélène Lavigne.

Congratulations to Hélène for this photo taken at the RVA Sainte-Anne du Lac on February 22, 2025.

This photo will be among the finalists in January 2026 presented to an external jury determining the three winners of the photo contest trophies. It will also be eligible for the end-of-year drawing for ten prizes among ALL the photos received.

To see all the photos from the 2025 Photo Contest

You too could have your photo featured as a banner on our newsletter and our Facebook page.

Check out the details of this competition


  • Transport Canada: NEW - TC AIR, a mobile application for aviation documents
  • Soirée Jaser pour jaser : March 17 - Let's talk about aviation insurance
  • Airworthiness Directive US2025-02-11: Inspection and Replacement of Rudder Post - Piper aircraft J3, J4, PA-11, PA15/17, PA16, PA18/19, PA20, PA22
  • All-You-Can-Eat Lobster Benefit Dinner: Don’t miss this unmissable event.
  • APSL: 2025 calendar
  • Matane Air Services: launch of their website
  • Winter RVAs: the photo album
  • Underwater evacuation training
  • Aviators.Quebec Insurance Plan
  • What's new in the Aviateurs Québec store
  • Gilles Lapierre Prize
  • The forum pilote.quebec if you are tired of Facebook
  • NAV Canada: tutorials to tame CFPS
  • Your virtual library

A look back at the last winter RVAs.
Thanks to Jean-Pierre Bonin, our loyal collaborator, and Benoît Séguin of AARMT for the photos. Click on the images to view the albums.


New in the Aviateurs Québec store
A book by Richard Saint-George - Je m'intéresse à la technologie et la maintenance des aéronefs (French only)
Richard Saint-George explains in this chapter some common checks to be made and other aspects of the brakes.

The book has 39 more chapters like this one, covering topics like the carburetor, magnetos, lubricants, hull maintenance, windshield maintenance and other components of your aircraft.

It provides you with information on everything essential to be able to discuss all technical subjects with your mechanic, engine specialist or other aero experts.

Richard Saint-George's book is available exclusively at the Aviateurs Québec store.

To order your copy

The Aviateurs.Québec Distinguished Achiever Award was launched in 2023. The objective of this award is to recognize the contribution of an individual to the promotion of general aviation in Quebec. It was awarded for the first time to Gilles Lapierre.

Gilles Lapierre passed away last December. To permanently recognize his immense contribution to general aviation and Aviateurs.Québec , the Aviateurs.Québec Board of Directors has decided to name this award in his honor.

A new call for applications for the Gilles Lapierre Prize is launched. The deadline to submit a name is March 14. To learn more about the terms and conditions and how to submit a candidate's name, click on the following button:

Gilles Lapierre Prize

NAV Canada: Some tutorials on the AWWS platform

To help you get to grips with this new platform, NAV Canada has posted a few videos that guide you in using CFPS.

How to use CFPS

How to query CFPS


"To bring together and represent Quebec aviators in order to promote general aviation and flight safety, to promote accessibility and protect the right to it, to facilitate exchanges between members and provide access to assistance, training and information resources."


CP 89022, CSP Malec, Montreal, QcH9C 2Z3

1-514-255-9998 / 1-877-317-2727 / info@aviateurs.quebec


Monday to Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Friday: from 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m.