Hastings Prince Edward Public Health
Online Bulletin for Health Care Providers

April 7, 2020

Dr. Piotr Oglaza
Medical Officer of Health & CEO
Hastings Prince Edward Public Health

COVID-19 Outbreak Prevention and Preparedness

Emerging information suggests that older adults with underlying medical conditions are at increased risk of severe outcomes during this COVID-19 pandemic. Active surveillance, early identification and rapid implementation of outbreak control measures are essential to protecting this vulnerable population and preventing the spread of COVID-19 within long-term care and retirement homes.

Refer to Ministry of Health’s COVID-19 Screening Checklist

Active screening of all staff and essential visitors: Screen for symptoms, including temperature checks, twice daily (beginning and end of day)

  • Any staff with symptoms of COVID-19 must go home immediately, self-isolate and call Public Health to arrange for testing
  • Essential visitors who do not pass the active screening are not permitted to enter the facility (essential visitors include a person visiting a very ill or palliative resident or a person performing essential support services e.g. food delivery, maintenance and other health care)
  • Limit the calls to first responders for emergencies only – if at all possible, manage non-life-threatening incidents (e.g. lifting patients) using resources within the home - active screening of emergency responders during an emergency call is not required
  • Refuse entry to any person who has been in another home experiencing a COVID-19 outbreak
  • Essential visitors permitted into the home must wear a mask

Active screening of all residents twice daily (beginning and end of day)

  • Residents being readmitted must be screened for symptoms and exposure to COVID-19
  • New residents and residents requiring repatriation from an outbreak facility into the home is generally not permitted. Admission/re-admission may be approved 14 days post exposure and in consultation with Public Health.
  • New residents without known COVID-19 exposure, must be placed in isolation for 14 days upon arrival
  • Short-stay absences are not permitted
  • Any residents with fever, cough, shortness of breath, or other mild respiratory symptoms consistent with acute respiratory illness (ARI) must be isolated and swabbed for COVID-19 by facility staff
    • Implement droplet and contact precautions immediately and use dedicated equipment
    • Work in collaboration with Public Health to identify and manage symptomatic residents and to follow up with contacts (residents and staff)

Additional measures

  • Residents must remain on the home’s property.
  • Ensure sufficient PPE is available and accessible to those who may require it.
  • Ensure all staff are aware of appropriate PPE for droplet and contact precautions, including donning/doffing techniques. Follow the Ministry of Health’s COVID-19 Directive #1.
  • Increase environmental cleaning. Resident rooms cleaned daily and high touch surfaces twice daily.
  • Modify internal activities to ensure physical distancing measures are followed by residents and staff.
  • Review staffing schedules, staff emergency contacts, and discourage staff working at multiple facilities.
  • Be prepared to cohort staff and residents, designate staff to work with either ill or well residents.
  • Review communication protocols, and advanced directives for all residents.

Specimen Collection and Testing for Outbreak Management

  • There should be a low threshold to test residents and health care workers within the home.
  • Every symptomatic resident and staff should be tested.
    • Facility staff will collect NP specimens on ill residents, following appropriate precautions
    • Refer symptomatic staff to Public Health for risk assessment and to arrange for testing

Important Specimen Collection Updates

**URGENT: Request Re: Respiratory Specimen Collection Kits / Staff & Resident Numbers**

  • Ensure sufficient NP swab kits are available at your home (suggestion is to have 4 on hand at all times)
  • NEW: Requests for additional kits must now be made directly to Hastings Prince Edward Public Health - CD program by phone 613-966-5500 x 349.
  • Immediately provide HPEPH CD Program with current total # residents and # staff within your facility by fax 613-966-1813 OR email CDCFax1@hpeph.ca

COVID-19 Outbreak Measures

Managing a confirmed case of COVID-19 identified in a resident or staff member

  • A COVID-19 outbreak is declared with one lab-confirmed resident or staff case of COVID-19.
  • Immediately report to Public Health a suspect COVID-19 and/or respiratory outbreak at onset of illness
  • Initiate outbreak control measures as per Recommendations for the Control of Respiratory Infection Outbreaks in Long-Term Care Homes for any exposures 48 hours prior to symptom onset. Identify close contacts and provide information to Public Health.
  • Resident contacts with high risk exposure should be placed in self-isolation and cared for using droplet and contact precautions. 
  • Staff contacts with high risk exposure should self-isolate.
  • Refer to Health Care Worker Self Isolation and Return to Work Guidelines for recommendations and specific criteria if staff person is deemed critical to the health care organization.

Managing a COVID-19 Facility Outbreak

For COVID-19 risk assessment or for more information, you may contact our dedicated COVID intake line at 613-966-5500. Phone calls are being answered 7 days a week: Monday – Friday 8:30 am – 8:30 pm; Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays 8:30 am - 4:30 pm. Current information on COVID-19 specifically for health care providers can be found at hpePublicHealth.ca, Ontario Ministry of Health and at publichealthontario.ca.

Contact Information: 

To give us your comments: socialmedia@hpeph.ca

To report communicable diseases:613-966-5500 x349

To report AEFI or DOPHS: Online / Fax - 613-966-1813 or CDCFAX1@hpeph.ca

Health Bulletin Editors: Kamran Khani

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