This newsletter is sent directly to faculty, sessionals and department contacts. Department contacts no longer need to forward this newsletter. If you have any questions or concerns, please email us.

Learning and Teaching Happenings and Resources

November 2022 | Issue 2 of 2

Teaching Strategy of the Week

As the end of term approaches, it is important to ensure that students have ample supports to complete the course successfully. Consider providing practice exams/quizzes on Brightspace, encourage students to form study groups, and remind students of upcoming assignment and final exam dates. If a student (or students) in your course requires an alternative arrangement for an online exam or assessment that requires invigilation, you can book a time for the student to write the assessment, from the location of the students’ choosing, with Zoom invigilation by LTSI.

Learn more about the Online Assessment Room

Reminder: Nominate a student for the
3M National Fellowship 

The fellowship honours up to 10 full-time undergraduate students at Canadian institutions who have demonstrated outstanding leadership and innovation through seeing current needs in higher education or society and implementing change in their lives and at their university. Internal nominations are due November 30 at 4:30pm, with a workshop available for nominators and their students happening this Wednesday.

Learn more about the fellowship

Grant Applications: Save the Date!

Grant funds support faculty members, sessional instructors, staff, academic units and educational leaders to design and implement course and curricular reforms in their discipline. The LTSI grants reflect the vision, values and priorities of the UVic Strategic Framework. LTSI can also help you apply for external grants requiring the assessment of learning impact.

You can review the details of each grant now. The application form will be available on the corresponding webpage by November 30, 2022. The deadline to apply is January 31, 2023.

View all our grants

Instructor Events & Workshops

View all upcoming events in learning central

Calling all Sessionals

Nov 18 | 1:30-3:30pm



Review of challenges of assignments in undergraduate courses in applied sciences

Nov 22 | 10:00 - 11:30am


Facilitation and the reflective process in Experiential Learning

Nov 23 | 3:30 - 5:00pm


Instructional Skills Workshop

Dec 5 - 8, 2022 


Teach anywhere website supports faculty and instructors teaching in person and online.

Student Resources

Please share the following resources, events and happenings with your students. These can be shared in class or on your Brightspace courses.

Visit Learn Anywhere

Paragraph organization and structure

Nov 23 | 9:00 - 10:00am


Facilitation and the reflective process in Experiential Learning

Nov 23 | 3:30 - 5:00pm


Contact Us

Would you like to contribute to this newsletter, or have questions regarding our workshops, events or resources?

Email us