June 2024

IT Support Summer Hours

Please note that as of April 29, 2024 we switch to our summer schedule for IT support.

Phones: M-F 7:30 am - 4:30 pm
Walk-up: M-F 10:00 am -12 noon; 1:00-3:00 pm

For the best response, or to request an appointment, please use the Self-Service Portal

UBCO IT Lunch & Learn

Grab your lunch and join us for some tasty Tech Bites this summer! Get the scoop on efficient file storage, collaboration tools, using meeting room technology and more from our friendly and helpful UBCO IT Support Teams.

Sessions are a mix of online and in person all summer long! More details and links to RSVP HERE.

Can’t find a time or date that fits your schedule? Contact us to set-up a 1:1 session or time with your team on whatever you need help with.

Abode License Changes

UBC has significantly increased its use of Adobe software requiring immediate action.
All current Acrobat Pro and Create Cloud licenses will expire 6 pm June 19, 2024.  Users who REQUIRE licenses can renew as of 6 am June 20 via the UBC Software Portal. Users will be required to submit payment details however UBCO will centrally fund licenses for FY24-25 until further cost recovery models are reviewed.  

Please assess your needs using the Adobe product feature comparison and alternatives charts before requesting a paid license.

Get IT News in MS Teams

Join the UBCO IT Engagement MS Team to get the most up to date news, advice and support for all things related to technology at UBCO. We share upcoming training, notifications of outages, details on known issues that may disrupt your work, tech related opportunities and more. 

To join CLICK here

New Phone? Add to MFA

Don't forget to register it as your new device for UBC's Duo Multi-Factor Authentication ( MFA) service. Learn how to switch mobile devices in your MFA account HERE.

MFA required for VPN 07-24

Starting the week of July 22, 2024, Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) will be a requirement for accessing the general UBC VPN - both myvpn.ok.ubc.ca AND myvpn.ubc.ca (via Cisco AnyConnect). Detailed instructions can be found here on how to connect. If you have any questions or need assistance, contact UBCO IT.

Windows 11 Update

Windows 10 will NOT be supported after October 2025. To ensure your device is compliant and ready, Windows 11 is now available as an optional update in the Software Center on all Staff, Faculty and Research workstations that are compatible with Windows 11.  Follow these step-by-step instructions available on our UBCO IT News page on how to update your device.

UBC Directory - How to Update

Did you know that UBCO IT uses the IT On & Offboarding forms, and UBCO IT Move Requests in the UBC Self-Service portal to update the UBC Employee Directory?

Don't worry, if you moved offices, changed job titles or departments but didn't submit an IT request, you can still update your details by contacting UBCO IT. LEARN MORE...

Identity Theft & Mental Health

With the ever-growing dependency on our devices, it is important to acknowledge the potential mental health impacts caused by digital threats including cyberbullying and identity theft. UBC IT knows that it is crucial to talk about these dangers, along with how to protect ourselves and what resources are available for those who experience digital crimes. READ MORE to enjoy a safer online experience.

Workday Student Questions?

Protect Yourself From Phishes

Phishing criminals are again using our move to Workday as an opportunity for increased attacks. Please exercise caution with all emails, even if they appear legitimate. Check your sent mail, change your password and learn more about how to keep UBC data secure and what to do if you receive a suspicious email HERE.

Travelling? Talk to IT

Make sure you consider the data protection laws in your destination country. It is wise not to carry any sensitive data across borders if you are not ready to lose or disclose it, as laws regarding intellectual property and digital information can vary widely.

Some countries do not allow encrypted devices. If you are travelling to a country where encryption is not allowed review the Security Considerations for International Travel With Mobile Devices security guideline for more information. Learn more...

News from the Privacy Matters

Ever wondered how UBC ensures your personal information is protected? The Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) process identifies and addresses concerns before anything launches. Learn more about the PIA process HERE.

Then take the 'PIA' Quiz to test your knowledge.

Watch this recorded session from Data Privacy Week 2024 for an overview of key privacy issues affecting UBC and ongoing initiatives including the Compliance Support Program.

Curious about using AI?

Learn the risks and guidance for using AI tools.

Find out which tools are PIA approved for use at UBC and what the requirements are HERE.

Get the latest news and updates on GenAI at UBC by signing up for the NEW monthly newsletter.

GenAI News & Events

When an AI technology is creating something by itself, it's called “generative AI” or “GenAI”. UBC offers guidance and resources on how to ensure the use of these tools meets UBC policies for secure, ethical and appropriate use. Check out the latest news and events from GenAI at UBC. 

Upcoming Maintenance

Please visit the Status Page for the most up-to-date information on planned upgrades and outages at UBC IT Status Page  

Upcoming Events


  • M365 Teams & OneDrive Training Sessions
    | July 18 / August 22 | 10:00 - 11:00 PST

    • UBC IT Collaboration Technology and Change & Training Teams are collaborating to offer a number of training workshops for Microsoft 365 apps, open to all UBC faculty and staff. Come join us to learn more about using M365 Teams and OneDrive for collaboration and productivity.
      These one-hour online workshops provide an overview of Teams functionality, file sharing and collaborative document best practices with demos and open Q&A to our M365 experts

    • Register for an upcoming Teams & OneDrive Training Workshops HERE.

  • Monthly GenAI Staff Community of Practice
    | June 27 / July 25 & more....) | 2:00 - 3:00 PST

    • Join this new community of practice to explore and discuss the use of Generative AI in teaching and curriculum support, sharing experiences and gaining insights alongside university staff and educators.

    • View all dates and REGISTER

  • Data Visualization for Teaching and Learning
    | July 10, 2024 | 10:00 - 11:30 PST

    • Explore simple ways to enhance learning outcomes through visualizations, and why some visualizations are more effective than others.



UBCO IT Engagement Services offers a single point of contact for departments and faculties at the Okanagan campus to access the information technology support and services they need to enable exceptional learning and research. 

Learn more about our team HERE or send us an email or submit a ticket via the UBC Self-Service Portal